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Always at Your Service.

Seeing the Big Picture

As an IT decision-maker in a federal agency (or a prime contractor serving that agency), you’re always in the middle of changing political climates while solving problems and creating opportunities. Very likely, these go beyond federal-wide technology initiatives like Digital Strategy, IT Asset Optimization, or Identity, Credential and Access Management. Maybe you need help with online transactions, or safe payment platforms. Perhaps you’re engaging with external partners to develop new delivery models, or creating a yet-to-be-identified solution to a policy challenge.

Buying, Building, or Managing Transformational Solutions

Successful digital transformation requires a shift in company culture and mindset to accompany the shift in your technology. Federal agencies (including several in the US Department of the Treasury and Health and Human Services) have come to know – and appreciate – our work. Serving as a prime, team partner, or a sub, Callideo is driven to focus exclusively on your business, ready at every intersection to help you steer better experiences and outcomes to those you serve.

Finding a Team or a Sub You Can Trust

Ready to team up with a partner to help you win that next big contract? Or maybe you’re seeking the right sub-contractor to fulfill your delivery requirements. Either way, count on Callideo. We’ve got you covered.

Ready to CAPTURE a Big Win?

Ready to CAPTURE a Big Win?

Ready for DELIVERY on Your Next Contract?

Ready for DELIVERY on Your Next Contract?

seed of trust

We Sow The Seeds of Trust...

  • Through technical expertise in goal-driven IT Modernization and Digital Transformation;

  • Delivering solutions in Custom Apps, Enterprise Services, Data Analytics, Cloud Services, and Dev Ops;

  • Thinking strategically, acting collaboratively, and solving problems.

  • We are a financially stable, small, minority-owned, disadvantaged IT business;

  • Serving federal agencies and their primes for more than a decade.

Our Yield? Shared Success.

TRUST | IT Modernization & Digital Transformation

More than our slogan, it’s the very heart of our business. Federal agency clients and their systems integrators have selected us again and again. They trust us. They trust our solutions.

Past Performance

Our guidance helps when you're experiencing changing political climates.

Our guidance helps when you're experiencing changing political climates.

At every intersection, we steer better experiences and outcomes to those you serve.

At every intersection, we steer better experiences and outcomes to those you serve.